WELCOME!! to my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Website!
Laura Lang Please do not buy your new Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy from a pet shop, broker or backyard breeder as nearly ALL the parents come from a Puppy Mill situation where adults live in cages every minute of their lives, are treated only as breeding machines, are not tested for ANY inherited genetic defects, and neither adults or puppies were properly socialized. Reputable breeders almost always sell ALL pets on Restricted from Breeding registration, so if someone is breeding and not showing, they could not have purchased their breeding stock from a reputable breeder. Buy only from reputable breeders who are breeding to improve the health and quality of their dogs and who care about the welfare of their breeding stock and the puppies. Also PLEASE do not expect to buy a 'Toyota' puppy for a 'Yugo' price. If you want to buy CHEAP, EXPECT to get a 'Yugo' puppy. A 'Yugo' puppy is one in which the parents are substandard in quality due to poor ancestor breeding (poor materials) and have had little to no hip/eye/heart/eye testing (poor quality control), which results in substandard puppies. A 'Yugo' puppy, just like the car, will 'run' fine and 'look' good at first (be healthy and look robust), but is more likely to require frequent maintenance (have health problems earlier and more severely than their well-bred counterparts) and quit 'running' early (die an early death). In the end you will find these 'cheap' puppies often end up costing more in the long run and have to be replaced years before their better-bred counterparts! Even worse, both the puppy and the owner will have needlessly suffered more than they should have. After all, these are live animals--not inanimate objects like a car or a television. Yes, even the best breeders will occasionally produce a puppy with poor health, but they have put their heart and soul into trying to produce the healthiest puppies possible and therefore the chances of this happening are lessened. Believe me, if the Yugo had been cost effective, it would still be sold! I mean, who wouldn't like to be able to buy a good car for less?!! You are much better off spending the money up front and buying the 'Toyota' puppy. Plus you know FOR SURE that you are not supporting the Puppy Mill industry in any way. As they say, "you get what
you pay for", and this is even more true when talking about live
purebred animals. |
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